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How to Best Prepare for Camping in Ontario

I could go camping forest of my life!

Entering a new season can be exciting! With the season of autumn here, we can appreciate the fall foliage, warmer clothing, and best of all, new activities to explore! While you can resume some of your favourite hobbies, a new season can bring new exciting challenges and changes. 

An example of a hobby that can be done throughout the year is camping! Camping is a fantastic way to appreciate the different seasons in Ontario, Canada. The Franklin Club has broken down some best practices when camping in Ontario during the fall season.

Check the weather before your fall camping trip

A couple in love, take a break from hiking with teaA good practice to have any time you go camping is to be vigilant when monitoring the weather changes. Especially in Canada, the weather changes can often be unpredictable at any point in the year. 

Checking the weather prior to your trip can help you determine your comfort level. If you feel uncomfortable and unsafe in certain wind levels or harsh conditions, then it is best to reschedule your camping trip dates. Understanding the type of weather you will be enduring can also help you determine which items to pack.

Ensure your tent is fall season ready

One of the more important items on your list should be where you are spending the night. You want to ensure that the tent you are bringing or purchasing is highly durable to withstand the fall temperatures and conditions. Similarly, if you are an all-year round camper, you may want to consider getting an even more insulated tent. 

There are a variety of tents available for a camper to consider. If you prefer to stick to spring and summer camping, then you can usually get away with most tent types. However, if you camp throughout three or four of the seasons in the year, we recommend investing in a 3-season or 4-season tent. You can learn more about the attributes that come with each type of tent here.

Additionally, it is also useful to carry a tarp. Seasonal changes can often leave surfaces moist or call for unexpected rain. Draping a tarp over your tent and having one under your tent, can help protect you against these issues.

Pack layers to prepare against the cold

Camping or adventure trip scenery concept (flat lay)It is no secret that Canada can get cold. As we mentioned previously, the weather conditions can also be volatile. While the beginning of the week may seem promising and sunny, it can very quickly take a different turn when it’s time for your camping trip. 

While the weather may promise one thing, it is always good practice to have backup layers to protect yourself from unexpected weather conditions. For example, packing extra clothing layers, blankets, boots, and an extra jacket can be beneficial.

Pack the right dishware 

In addition to ensuring your shelter and clothing are aligned with the new season, it is important to bring the right dishware. Cooler seasons call for warm, cozy drinks! Packing some insulated mugs and durable dishes is useful for colder temperatures. 

If you are not an expert at starting a fire or cooking off of a camping fire, you may want to consider propane or electric grill. Remember – to stay warm on the outside you have to be warm on the inside! So make sure you have all the right foods and equipment packed before your fall camping trip. 

Be mindful of the fall ecosystem 

Another important practice to consider when on your trip is to be mindful of the wildlife around you. Entering a new season can also mean a lot of changes in the ecosystem such as fall mating rituals. Follow animal safety precautions such as securing your food and respecting the wildlife around you. 

the franklin club campsite

Camp at The Franklin Club this fall season! 

Camping in the fall season can be exciting! The fall foliage is one to admire in Ontario and there is undoubtedly a warming thrill that follows every night around the campfire. 

At The Franklin Club, members can camp comfortably with the beautiful scenery of a lake and hiking trails surrounding them. Each campsite comes with a propane BBQ, a raised fire pit, comfort stations and picnic tables! Learn more about our camping amenities and contact The Franklin Club to book your next trip! 

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